One More Prize…
It’s not over yet! We want to hear your stories of your datathon journey over the last 2 months.
Why you say? Basically because your stories will determine if this event happens next year. For companies to get behind the event and provide data and prize money, they need to see the outcomes, hence we need your help to help us help you.
Hence please put a bit more time in to do a blog post or some other social media stuff and we’ll collate them and put them on the website. There will be a $1,000 reward dished out.
We’ll come and review the list here on Oct 15th and then reveal who will take home the final prize.
And the winners are…..
Every one who entered will be getting $125 each. Thanks for your efforts.
Name | URL |
Secret Squirrel | https://youtu.be/-zJ6I9XtPVs |
Vladislav Fridkin | http://vladblog.netlify.com |
Carla Netto | https://twitter.com/carlanetto_ |
Nick Wong | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/melbourne-datathon-2018-from-bioinformaticians-perspective-nick-wong/ |
Brooke Clarke | http://www.girlvsdata.com/ |
Brooke Clarke | https://twitter.com/girlvsdata |
Sayoni Biswas | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/through-my-lens-melbourne-datathon-2018-sayoni-biswas/?published=t |
Heath Gilham | https://medium.com/unsupervised-learnings/how-we-came-third-in-the-melbourne-datathon-2018-441f5333dea2 |
Maree Williams | http://www.kymest.com/melbourne-datathon-2018/ |
Maree Williams | https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ten-things-i-learnt-2018-melbourne-datathon-maree-williams/ |
Perth Ngarmtrakulchol | https://medium.com/@woraperth/how-we-built-data-science-web-app-route-planner-x-on-aws-infrastructure-71f814247a0c |
Perth Ngarmtrakulchol | https://towardsdatascience.com/how-we-built-data-science-web-app-route-planner-x-on-aws-infrastructure-71f814247a0c |